
Friday, October 14, 2022

October 14, 2022

PSC Clerk Previous Year English to Bengali Translation ( 1998-2009)

PSC Clerk Previous Year English to Bengali Translation 

( 1998-2009)

1. My only thought was how I would improve my mother-tongue. A man have many dreams,but I had that only dream.My strong conviction was that the richer a nation's mothertongue is,the more prosperous and undying the nation is. I used to think, "If I can anyway make my mother like mothertongue rich and properous,the mission of my life will be fulfilled.      ( Psc Clerk - 2009)

বঙ্গানুবাদ : আমার একমাত্র চিন্তা ছিল কিভাবে আমি আমার মাতৃভাষার উন্নতিসাধন করতে পারবো। একজন মানুষের অনেক স্বপ্ন থাকতে পারে,কিন্তু এটাই ছিল আমার একমাত্র স্বপ্ন। আমার দৃঢ় বিশ্বাস যে একটি জাতির মাতৃভাষা যত সমৃদ্ধ হবে সেই জাতি ততই উন্নতিশীল ও দীর্ঘজীবী হবে। আমি প্রায়শঃই ভাবতাম, "যদি আমি কোনওভাবে আমার মায়ের মতো মাতৃভাষাকে সমৃদ্ধ ও উন্নততর করতে পারি তবে আমার জীবনের ব্রত সার্থক হবে।"

2. The crowning glory of the origin of Shahjahan is the Taj Mahal at Agra. It is looked upon as one of the seven wonders of the world. Everyone who has looked at,whether in daytime or on a moonlight night when its beauty is enhanced,has marvelled at it.The Taj Mahal moves the heart, delights the eye,stirs up the imagination and fills the soul with peace.    (PSC Clerk - 2009)

বঙ্গানুবাদ : আগ্রার তাজমহল শাহজাহানের রাজত্বের এক গৌরবময় মুকুট। এটিকে পৃথিবীর সপ্তম আশ্চর্যের একটি বলে পরিগণিত করা হয়। যিনিই এর দিকে তাকিয়েছেন, তা সে দিনের আলোয় হোক বা চন্দ্রালোকিত রাতে,যখন এর সৌন্দর্য আরও স্ফুরিত হয়, তাঁরা প্রত্যেকেই অপার বিষ্ময়ে আপ্লুত হবেনই। তাজমহল আমাদের হৃদয়কে স্পন্দিত করে, দৃষ্টিকে আপ্লুত করে, কল্পনাকে প্রসারিত করে এবং অন্তরাত্মাকে শান্তিতে ভরিয়ে দেয়।

3.A number of heroes and great men were born in this beautiful great India. As a result of their efforts and endeavour this country now reached this stage. we also seen that thousands of people sacrificed their lives in the fight for freedom and have smilingly mot the gallows.They gave up their own lives to save others. They did their duties bravely and they were great heroes.It is these heroes who made our country and nation great and immoral.This country is now in your hands.It is you who will make this country more advanced and far greater.           ( PSC Clerk - 2007)

বঙ্গানুবাদ : এক সুন্দর এবং মহান ভারতবর্ষের অগণিত বীর এবং মহিয়সী মানুষ জন্ম গ্রহন করেছেন। আজকের ভারতবর্ষ সেই সমস্ত মহাত্মাদের উদ্যোগ আর যত্নের ফসল। আমরা দেখেছি যে হাজার হাজার মানুষ স্বাধীনতার জন্য লড়াইয়ে তাঁদের প্রাণ উৎসর্গ করেছেন আর হাসিমুখে ফাঁসিকাঠে তুচ্ছ জ্ঞানে প্রহন করেছেন। অন্যের জন্য তাঁরা তাঁদের জীবন উৎসর্গ করেছেন। সেইসব বীরসন্তানেরা তাঁদের দায়িত্ব সাহসিকতার সঙ্গে পালন করে গেছেন। এঁরাই সেই সকল বীর সন্তান যাঁরা আমাদের দেশও জাতিকে মহান এবং শাশ্বত রূপ প্রদান করেছেন। এই দেশ এখন তোমাদের হাতে। তোমরা হলে সেই সব দেশবাসী যারা এই দেশকে আরো প্রগতিশীল ও উন্নততর করে তুলবে।

4. Children  never go to fight a war,yet every war brings the greatest misery to them. Even before the war begins, they begin to suffer, because their fathers and brothers leave all their work in order to go to fight.There is less food and homes are uncared for. Then in the battlefields,every bullet that kills a soldier takes away from some child the one person who led him and look after them.           ( PSC Clerk - 2006)

বঙ্গানুবাদ : শিশুরা কখনোই যুদ্ধ করতে যায় না, তবু যুদ্ধ তাদের জন্য চরম দুর্দশা বয়ে আনে। এমনকি যুদ্ধ শুরুর আগেই তাদের ভোগান্তি শুরু হয়। কারণ তাদের বাবা,দাদারা তাঁদের সমস্ত কাজকর্ম ছেড়ে যুদ্ধে সামিল হতে চলে যান। খাদ্যাভাব আর পরিচর্যাহীন বাসস্থান পড়ে টগকবে। এরপর যুদ্ধক্ষেত্রে, প্রত্যেকটি বুলেট যে সৈনিকের মৃত্যু ঘটায় তা আসলে একটি শিশুর কাছ থেকে এমন একজনকে কেড়ে নেয় যিনি আসলে ঐ শিশুর যত্নশীল অভিভাবক।

5. Alibaba had heard and seen all that the robbers had done.So, when the robbers left he came down from the tree made his way through the bushes to the mouth of the cave and uttered like the robber chief, "Open sesame". At once the door flung open. Alibaba got the surprise of his life when he saw a large cavem where there rich bales of skills and fine carpets, and heaps of gems,jewels,gold and silver. Alibaba entered into the cave and as soon as he did so,the door shut by itself.            (PSC Clerk - 2004)

বঙ্গানুবাদ : ডাকাতেরা যা কিছু করেছিল,আলিবাবা সে সব কিছুই দেখেছিল ও শুনেছিল। তাই ডাকাতরা চলে যাওয়ার পর সে গাছ থেকে নেমে ঝোপ-জঙ্গলের ভেতর দিয়ে গুহার মুখের কাছে এল এবং ডাকাত সর্দারের মতো চিৎকার করে বললো "চিচিং ফাঁক"। তৎক্ষণাৎ দরজা খুলে গেল। আলিবাবা প্রথমবার এতখানি বিস্মিত হলেন যখন তিনি দেখলেন বিশাল গুহা বস্তা বস্তা সিল্ক, কার্পেট আর স্তূপকার রত্ন,অলঙ্কার ও সোনা রুপোতে পরিপূর্ণ। আলিবাবা সেই গুহার মধ্যে প্রবেশ করলেন এবং তৎক্ষণাৎ দরজা আপনা-আপনি বন্ধ হয়ে গেল।

6. It was the month of July. The rivers were full and turbulent and the road was slippery and muddy. Undaunted Vidyasagar set out on foot, but he had to hault for the night at a village twenty-six miles from his home. Next morning he got  up very early and proceeded on his way. Coming to the river Damodar, he found the ferry boat on the opposite side. Such as his longing to see his mother that he would not wait,but plunged into the river and succeeded by God's grace in swimming across.     ( PSC Clerk - 2003 )

বঙ্গানুবাদ : সেটা ছিল জুলাই মাস । নদীগুলি পরিপূর্ণ আর উত্তাল ছিল এবং রাস্তা ছিল কর্দমাক্ত আর পিচ্ছিল। নাছোড় বিদ্যাসাগর পদব্রজেই যাত্রা করলেন,কিন্তু তাঁর বাড়ি থেকে ২৬ মাইল দূরে একটি গ্রামে তাঁকে রাত কাটাতে হল।  পরের দিন খুব ভোরে তিনি উঠে পড়লেন এবং আবার যাত্রা আরম্ভ করলেন। দামোদরের কাছে পৌঁছে তিনি দেখলেন পারাপারের নৌকা অপর পারে চলে গেছে। তাঁর মা'কে দেখবার জন্য তিনি এতটাই উদগ্রীব ছিলেন যে তিনি আর অপেক্ষা না করে নদীর জলে ঝাঁপিয়ে পড়লেন এবং ঈশ্বরের কৃপায় সাঁতরে পেরিয়ে যেতে সফল হলেন।

7. Australia's cricket lovers and critics were united in their praise for India following their amazing victory over Australia in the kolkata Test. They did not discuss much on their first test defeat since 1999. But they said India's shock win had breathed new life into the game. Australian Cricket writers described India's incredible performance as the greatest come back in cricket history and said the Australians could take consolation from being involved in the greatest match of all time. In the Australian newspapers were no excuses for the loss,just applause for the Indian's incredible victory.          ( PSC Clerk - 2002)

বঙ্গানুবাদ :  অস্ট্রেলিয়ার ক্রিকেটপ্রেমী ও সমালোচকগণ কলকাতা টেস্টে অস্ট্রেলিয়ার বিরুদ্ধে ভারতের আশ্চর্যজনক জয়ের পর একত্রে ভারতের প্রশংসা করেছিলেন। তাঁরা ১৯৯৯ সালের পর এই প্রথম হার নিয়ে খুব একটা আলোচনা করছিলেন না । কিন্তু তাঁরা বলেছিলেন ভারতের এই অপ্রত্যাশিত জয় এই খেলাটির মধ্যে নব-জীবন সঞ্চারিত করেছে। অস্ট্রেলিয়ার ক্রিকেট লেখকরা ভারতের এই অসামান্য কৃতিত্বকে ক্রিকেটার ইতিহাসে ঘুরে দাঁড়ানোর সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ উদাহরণ হিসাবে বর্ণনা করেছেন এবং আরও মন্তব্য করেছেন - অস্ট্রেলিয়াবাসী এই ভেবে সান্ত্বনা পেতে পারেন যে তাদের দেশ সর্বকালের সেরা এই ম্যাচটিতে অংশগ্রহণ করেছিল। অস্ট্রেলিয়ার সংবাদপত্রগুলিতে তাদের হারের জন্য কোনও অজুহাত দেখানো হয় নয় বরং ছিল শুধু ভারতের এই অবিশ্বাস্য জয়ের প্রশংসা ।

8. The Mississippi is well worth reading about,it is not a common place river,but on the country it is always remarkable. Considering the Missouri its main branch,it is the longest river in the world,four thousand three hundred mikes. It seems safe to say that it is also the crookedest river in the world. It discharges three times as much water as the St. Lawrence,twenty-five times as much as the Rhine and three hundred and thirty-eight times as much as the Thames. No other river has so vast a drainage basin,it drawn its water supply from twenty-eight states and territories. It is a remarkable river in this,that instead of widening towards its mouth,it grows narrower and deeper.                ( PSC Clerk - 2000)

বঙ্গানুবাদ : মিসিসিপি সম্বন্ধে পড়াশোনার যথেষ্ট উপকরণ রয়েছে। এটি একটি সাধারণ নদী নয়,পক্ষান্তরে বলা যায় এটা সর্বদাই সবিশেষ উল্লেখযোগ্য। মিসৌরি নদীকে এক মুখ্য শাখা ধরলে তা বিশ্বের দীর্ঘ্যতম নদী যার দৈঘ্য প্রায় চার হাজার তিনশ মাইল। একথা নিশ্চিন্তে বলা যায় যে, এটি পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে আঁকাবাঁকা নদী। এর জলবহন ক্ষমতা সেন্ট লরেন্সের থেকে তিন গুণ,রাইন নদীর তুলনায় পঁচিশ গুন আর টেমসের তুলনায় তিনশত আটত্রিশ গুন। এর মতো সুবিস্তৃত অববাহিকা অন্য কোনও নদীর নেই,মোট আঠাশটি রাজ্য ও অঞ্চলের জল এই নদী বহন করে। আর একটি কারণে এটি উল্লেখযোগ্য যে, এটি মোহনার দিকে চওড়া হওয়ার পরিবর্তে ক্রমশঃ সংকীর্ণতর ও আরও গভীর হয়েছে।

9. Turning back, he asked the pundits about the method they followed in instructing the bird.It was shown to him. He was immensely impressed.The method was so stupendous that the bird looked ridiculously unimportant in comparison The Raja was satisfied that there was no flaw in the arrangments. As far any complaint from the bird itself,that simply could not be expected.Its throat was so completely chocked with the leaves from the books that it could neither whistle nor whisper.It sent a thrill through one's body to watch the process.     (PSC Clerk - 1999)

বঙ্গানুবাদ : তিনি পেছন ফিরে,পন্ডিতদের জিজ্ঞাসা করলেন পাখিটিকে কি পদ্ধতিতে শিক্ষা দেওয়া হচ্ছে। তাঁকে পদ্ধতিটি দেখানো হল। তিনি অত্যন্ত খুশি হলেন। পদ্ধতিটি এতই বিস্ময়কর ছিল যে তুলনামূলক ভাবে পাখিটিকে হাস্যকর ভাবে গুরুত্বহীন মনে হচ্ছিল। রাজামশায়,ব্যবস্থাপনার মধ্যে যেকোনো ত্রুটি নেই,সে ব্যাপারে নিশ্চিত ছিলেন। এটা কোনওমতে ভাবা যায় না যে পাখিটির দিক থেকে কোনও বিরূপ প্রতিক্রিয়া আসতে পারে। তার গলা বই এর পাতা দিয়ে এমনই ঠাসা ছিল যে পাখিটি না পারত ডাকতে না পারত সামান্য শব্দ করতে। যে কেউ এ ধরণের পদ্ধতি চাক্ষুষ করলে তার শরীরে শিহরণ জাগবেই।

10. It is the greatest tragedy of our time that Netaji did not live to see India attaining independence,as he was one if the very important architects of this. Today we are independent politically, no doubt, but at what cost and what are our hopes for the future.Independence came at the cost of the partition of the subcontinent first into two parts and now into three.Yet the conditions which led to the partition are still present to haunt us and our future generations.This is sad reflection on the policies of our leaders. Netaji warned them that partition would not solve our problem but create new ones.     (PSC Clerk - 1998)

বঙ্গানুবাদ : এটা আমাদের সময়কার সব চেয়ে দুঃখজনক ঘটনা যে নেতাজী যিনি ভারতের স্বাধীনতা লাভের অন্যতম স্থপতি ছিলেন, তিনি ভারতবর্ষের স্বাধীনতা লাভের ঘটনা দেখে যেতে পারলেন না। নিঃসন্দেহে আজ আমরা রাজনৈতিকভাবে স্বাধীন কিন্তু কিসের বিনিময়ে আর ভবিষ্যতের আশাই বা কি । স্বাধীনতা এসেছিল দেশভাগের মাধ্যমে,প্রথমে এই উপমহাদেশ দুভাগে বিভক্ত হল এখন তা তিন ভাগে বিভক্ত। যে কারণে দেশ ভাগ হয়েছিল তা আজও আমাদের কাছে দু:স্বপ্নের মতো, ভবিষ্যত প্রজন্মের কাছেও তাই থাকবে । এটা আমাদের রাজনৈতিক নেতৃবৃন্দের নীতির দুঃখজনক পরিণতি মাত্র। নেতাজী তাঁদের সতর্ক করে দিয়েছিলেন যে দেশ ভাগ সমস্যার কোনও সমাধান হতে পারে না,বরং তা নতুন সমস্যার কারণ হয়ে দাঁড়াবে।

Thursday, October 13, 2022

October 13, 2022

PSC Clerk Bengali To English Translation Previous Year ( 1998-2009)

PSC Clerk Bengali To English Translation Previous Year 

( 1998-2009)

1. পোস্টমাস্টার আপনিই তাহাকে বলিলেন - তিনি বদলির জন্য দরখাস্ত করিয়াছিলেন - দরখাস্ত না মঞ্জুর হইয়াছে, তাই তিনি কাজে জবাব দিয়া বাড়ি যাইতেছেন। মিটমিট করিয়া প্রদীপ জ্বলিতে লাগিল। এক স্থানে ঘরের জীর্ণ চাল ভেদ করিয়া একটি মাটির সরার উপর টপটপ করিয়া জল পড়িতে লাগিল।      ( PSC Clerk - 2009)

Translation : Postmaster, You said to him - He applied for transfer.The Application was not granted. So he intimated to his work and was going home. The lamp was lighting dimly. There was dropping of water drop by drop on earthen plate through the decayed thatch.

2. বর্ষা নেমেছে । গরম আর নেই। থেকে থেকে মেঘের গর্জন আর বিদ্যুতের চমকানি চলছে। পাহাড়ে ঝরনার জল বেড়ে উঠল। নদীতে বন্যা দেখা দিয়েছে। সর্ষে খেত ডুবিয়ে দিয়েছে। বেড়া ভেঙে দিয়েছে। বেচারা গোরুগুলির বড়ো দুর্গতি। এক হাঁটু পাঁকে দাঁড়িয়ে আছে ।       ( PSC Clerk - 2007)

Translation : The rain has set in.It is hot no more.Every now and then,the rumbling of clouds is heard and the flashes of lighting are seen. The fountain water is raised in the hill.The river is in spate/Flood has seen in the river.Mastered field has been flooded.It has broken the fence the world goes distressed to the poor cows.They are standing knee-deep in mud.

3. দীর্ঘমেয়াদি কোন দুরূহ কাজে মানুষ স্বভাবতই ভয় পায়। সাধারণত ছোট ছোট স্বল্প-মেয়াদী কাজে মানুষের বেশি আগ্রহ। কারণ এতে দ্রুত ফল পাওয়া যায় তাই লাভ-লোকসানের হিসেবও সহজে পাওয়া যায়। কিন্তু দীর্ঘমেয়াদী কাজে ফল পাওয়ার আশা বহু দূরে। এক্ষেত্রে লোকসান হলেও বহুদিন পর তা বোঝা যাবে। তারপর নতুন করে আরম্ভ করা একেবারেই অসম্ভব।           (PSC Clerk - 2006)

Translation : Man is naturally afraid of doing any difficult long term work.Naturally,man is eager to do short and short term work. As we get result quickly in it,so we make calculation of profit and loss easily.But the result of long term work is so far.In that case, loss will be understood after a long time.Then it is out and out impossible to start again at the onset.

4. উত্তরবঙ্গের শিলিগুড়ি পার হলেই জলবায়ু যেন বদলাতে শুরু করে। মোটরে করে হিমালয়ের গা বেয়ে আরও উত্তরে যেতে আরম্ভ করলে মনে হয় নিচের সমতলভূমি বুঝি মিথ্যে। ঠান্ডা,মেঘলা,ফুলপাতায় ঘেরা হিমালয়ের গ্রামগুলি যেন স্বপ্নের ছোটো ছোটো এক-একটি টুকরো পাহাড়ের প্রতি বাঁকে হঠাৎ দৃশ্যমান হচ্ছে,আবার কখনও মেঘে ঢেকে যাচ্ছে। প্রকৃতির অপরিসীম দাক্ষিণ্য দেখে মনে হয় স্বর্গের কাছাকাছি এসে পড়েছি।        (PSC Clerk - 2004)

Translation : The climate change after crossing Siliguri of North Bengal.Moving towards the North by motor carr, lower plain seems to be fanciful/false.The villages of Himalaya, surrounded with cold,cloudy,flowers and leaves as the little pieces of dream,appear suddenly in every turn of hill,again are being covered with cloud.Seeing the unlimited kindness of Nature,it seems we come near the heaven.

5. প্রায় সাতশো বছর আগেকার কথা বলছি। দক্ষিণ ইউরোপে ইতালি তখন খুব সমৃদ্ধশালী। ভেনিস আর জেনোয়া ছিল ইতালির দুই পরাক্রান্ত নগর রাষ্ট্র। এরা পরস্পরের প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বী। কেউ কারো সাফল্য সহ্য করে না। একবার বাণিজ্য ব্যাপার নিয়ে উভয়ের মনোমালিন্য চরমে উঠল এবং যুদ্ধ বেধে গেল। শেষ পর্যন্ত ভেনিসের পরাজয় ঘটল। ভেনিসের বহু নরনারী বন্দী হয়ে জেনোয়ার কারাগারে নিক্ষিপ্ত হল।       (PSC Clerk - 2003)

Translation : It is the story of about seven hundred years ago.Italy of South Europe was then very prosperous.Venice and Genoa were the two courageous city states.They were hostile to each other. One could not tolerate the success of the other.Once there was a strained relation between the two extremly about business and a war started. Venice was defeated at last.Many men and women of Venice were imprisoned and thrown in the prison of Genoa.

6. চিত্তরঞ্জনের পিতা অনেক ঋণ করিয়া দেউলিয়া হইয়াছিলেন। চিত্তরঞ্জন তার উপার্জিত অর্থে সেই সকল ঋণ পরিশোধ করেন। তাঁহার এই কার্যের জন্য বিচারপতি ফ্লেচার খুব প্রশংসা করিয়াছিলেন। ঋণ শোধ করিবার পর তিনি প্রায় প্রতিদিন প্রচুর অর্থ দান করিতেন। এমন উদার দানের তুলনা পাওয়া যায় না। ১৯২০ সালে মহাত্মা গান্ধীর আহ্বানে আপন ভোগ,সম্পদ ত্যাগ করিয়া যখন চিত্তরঞ্জন দেশসেবায় নিজেকে নিয়োজিত করিলেন তখন দেশবাসী তাঁহাকে 'দেশবন্ধু' আখ্যায় সম্মানিত করিল।        (PSC Clerk - 2002)

Translation: Taking many loans,Chittaranjan's father became a bankrupt. Chittaranjan repaid the loan with his earned money.Justice Fletcher praised him very much for his deed. After repaying the loan,he donated plentiful amount/great amount.There is no comparison of such donation.In response to the summon of Mahatma Gandhi,leaving the belongings and wealth in 1920, when Chittaranjan involved himself in the service of country,the country men honoured him 'Desh Bondhu'.

7. সকাল ৭ টা ৯ মিনিটের সময় বিমান আক্রমনের বিপদ সংকেত বেজে উঠল। হঠাৎ দেখা গেল আকাশে এক চোখ ঝলসানো,সাদাটে,গোলাপী আলোর ঝলক,সেই সঙ্গে অস্বাভাবিক এক কম্পন। কয়েক সেকেন্ডের মধ্যে রাস্তা ও শহরের কেন্দ্রের সাধারণ উদ্যানের হাজার হাজার মানুষ প্রচন্ড তাপ প্রবাহে দগ্ধ হয়ে গেল। দেওয়াল,বাড়ি,কারখানা এবং অন্যান্য অট্টালিকা যা কিছু তাপ-তরঙ্গের প্রবাহের মুখে দাঁড়িয়েছিল,তার প্রত্যেকটি ধ্বংস হয়ে গেল। ঘোড়া,কুকুর এবং গবাদি পশুও মানুষের মত একই নিয়তির বলি হল। এমনকি উদ্ভিদজগৎ ও নিষ্কৃতি পেল না। সন্ধ্যার মধ্যে আগুন কমতে শুরু করল এবং তারপর নিভে গেল। পোড়বার মত আর কোনও বস্তু অবশিষ্ট রইল না। হিরোশিমা অস্তিত্ব লুপ্ত হয়ে গেল।      (PSC Clerk - 2000)

Translation : At 7.09 a.m in the morning,the air-raid sirens sounded.A sudden blinding light,pink and white appeared in the sky,this was accompanied by an unnatural shuddee.In a few seconds, thousands of human beings in the streets and gardens in the town centre,were struck by a wave of intense heat and were burnt.Walls, houses,factories and other buildings which were on the way of the wave of flame were completely destroyed. Horses, dogs and cattle suffered the same fate as the people.Not even the plants were spared. In the evening the fire died down and finally put off. There was nothing left to burn. Hiroshima had been destroyed/lost its existence.

8. রবীন্দ্রনাথ বাংলার সর্বশেষ্ঠ কবি। শুধু বাংলার দেশের কেন,তিনি সর্ব কালের শ্রেষ্ঠ কবিদের মধ্যে অন্যতম। ১৯১৩ সালে সাহিত্যচর্চার প্রধান পুরস্কার নোবেল প্রাইজ পাইয়া তিনি বাংলা সাহিত্যকে বিশ্বসাহিত্যের দরবারে উন্নীত করেন। ১৯০১ সালে নোবেলবৃত্তির স্থাপনা হইতে আরম্ভ করিয়া আজ পর্যন্ত বহু শ্রেষ্ঠ সাহিত্যিক এই পুরস্কার লাভ করিয়াছেন। বৃত্তিধারীদের ইতিহাস যিনি লিখিয়াছেন,তিনি স্বীকার করিয়াছেন যে রবীন্দ্রনাথের কাব্যের প্রেরণা সর্বাপেক্ষা সার্বজনীন ও প্রাদেশিকতারদোষ বর্জিত।  ( PSC Clerk - 1999)

Translation : Rabindranath is the greatest poet of Bengal. He is not only the greatest to the Bengalee but also one of the greatest of all poets all over the world and for ever. By wining the Nobel Prize in 1913,he established Bengali literature in the threshold of world literature. Since 1901, many greatest literatures won this nobel prize. The Writer who wrote the history of the scholars acknowledges that the literary works of Rabindranath inspired universally and apart from regional biasness.

9. আবার সেই দল। অস্ট্রেলিয়া ও পাকিস্তান। এই দুই দেশই মুখোমুখি ত্রিদেশীয় সিরিজের ফাইনালে। তিন ম্যাচের ফাইনালের প্রথমটি হবে আগামীকাল । ইংল্যান্ডে গত বিশ্বকাপের ফাইনালে স্টিভ ও আক্রমের দলের মধ্যেই প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বিতা হয় এবং আক্রমদের হেলায় হারিয়ে কাপ জেতেন স্টিভরা। এই ত্রিদেশীয় সিরিজেও বিশ্ব চ্যাম্পিয়নের মত খেলছে অস্ট্রেলিয়া।       ( PSC Clerk - 1998)

Translation : The two teams again. Australia and Pakistan. These two countries face the final of Tri Nation Series. Among the three final matches,the first will be held tomorrow. In the last World Cup Final, there was contest between the teams of Steave and Akram, and easily defeating the team of Akram ,the team of Steave won the cup. In this Tri Nation Series, Australia is playing like a world champion.

10. একটি চারমিনার ধরিয়ে পর পর দুটি ধোঁয়ার রিং ছেড়ে ফেলুদা বলল, "জিয়োমেট্রির বই বলে আলাদা কিছু নেই। যেকোনো বই-ই জিয়োমেট্রির বই হতে পারে,কারণ সমস্ত জীবনটাই জিয়োমেট্রি। লক্ষ্য করলি নিশ্চয়ই - ধোঁয়ার রিংটা যখন আমার মুখ থেকে বেরোল তখন ওটা ছিল পারফেক্ট সার্কল। এই সার্কল জিনিসটা কিভাবে ছড়িয়ে আছে বিশ্বব্রহ্মাণ্ডে সেটা একবার ভেবে দেখ।"         ( PSC Clerk - 1998)

Translation : Lighting a Charmimar (Cigarette) consecutively let out two rings of smoke. Feluda said, "There is no different book on geometry.Any book can be a geometry book,because all life is geometry. Surely You notice that the ring of smoke when let out from my mouth, it was in a perfect circle. Think how this circle spreads in the universe."

October 13, 2022

English to Bengali Translation practice for PSC Clerk,WBCS,MISC

English to Bengali Translation practice for PSC Clerk,WBCS,MISC

1.There were two friends---a lion and a bear. One day they went out in search of food. They were lucky to find out a dead deer lying in the forest. They were selfish friends. So each of them demanded full share of the dead animal. They could not reach any settlement. Then, there was a fight between the two.
সিংহ আর ভাল্লুক দুই--বন্ধু ছিল। তারা একদিন খাবারের খোঁজে বেরিয়ে পড়ল। ভাগ্যক্রমে বনে পড়ে-থাকা এক মৃত হরিণকে দেখতে পেল তারা। তারা ছিল স্বার্থপর বন্ধু। তারা প্রত্যেকে মৃত প্রাণীটার পুরো অংশ দাবি করল। তারা কোনো সিদ্ধান্তে পৌঁছোতে পারল না। তখন দুজনের মধ্যে লড়াই বেধে গেল।

2. The real heroes are those whom the world does not know. They work among the poor, among the distressed. They cannot expect any reward from them. They are moved by the sufferings of others and their main object is to relieve those sufferings. This is work of love. They do not hanker after fame, nor do they want position or money.

প্রকৃত বীর যাঁরা তাঁদের কথা পৃথিবীর মানুষ জানে না। তারা গরিব ও দুর্দশাগ্রস্ত মানুষের মাঝে কাজ করে। তাদের কাজ থেকে কোনো পুরস্কারের আশা তারা করে না। অপরের দুঃখকষ্টে তারা ব্যথিত হয় এবং তাদের প্রধান লক্ষ্যই হল সেই দুঃখকষ্ট বিমোচন করা। এ হল ভালোবাসার কাজ। তারা যশের জন্য লালায়িত নয়, পদমর্যাদা কিংবা অর্থও তাদের কাঙ্ক্ষিত নয়।

3. Words have a lot of power. They can help or hit., bless or curse. Unkind words do a lot of harm. Kind words do a lot of good. We can spoil a friends's happiness by an unkind word, but cheer up a sad heart with a kind word which costs nothing. A kind word is often more welcome than a costly present.

 কথার ক্ষমতা অনেক। তারা কাউকে সাহায্য কিংবা আঘাত করতে, আশীর্বাদ কিংবা অভিশাপ দিতে পারে। নির্দয় কথা অনেক অনিষ্ট করে। সদয়বাক্য প্রভূত কল্যাণ করে। আমরা নির্দয় কথায় বন্ধুর সুখহানি ঘটাতে পারি, আবার সদয়ভাষণে পারি দুঃখিত হৃদয়কে উল্লসিত করতে, যদিও সেজন্য আমাদের কোনো আর্থিক মূল্য দিতে হয় না। সদয় কথা মহার্ঘ উপহারের চেয়ে প্রায়শ অধিকতর কাম্য।

4. When I awoke it was broad daylight and I felt quite refreshed. The storm had gone and the sea was calm. To my surprise I found the ship had been brought nearer to the land by the waves, and seemed to stand upright on some rocks. I wished I could get on it, for I knew there were clothes and food in the cabin.

দিনের আলোয় চারদিক ভোরে গেছে এমন সময় আমি জেগে উঠলাম। নিজেকে বেশ সতেজ বোধ হল। ঝড় কেটে যাওয়ার সমুদ্র শান্ত। সবিস্ময়ে দেখলাম কেউ জাহাজকে কিনারার কাছাকাছি এনে ফেলেছে। মনে হল জাহাজটা যেন সমুদ্র-শিলার ওপরে খাড়া দাঁড়িয়ে আছে। জাহাজে পৌঁছোনোর ইচ্ছা করল। কারণ আমি জানতাম কেবিনে জামাকাপড় ও খাবারদাবার আছে।

5. Now a day we see so many schools in villages and towns and the pupils read in these schools. But in olden days there were no schools. The parents sent their sons to the houses of the teachers or gurus. The boys lived with their gurus and the gurus gave the food and clothes. The gurus also taught the boys, vedas and shastras. The boys served the gurus as their second father.

আমরা আজকাল গ্রামে ও শহরে অনেক বিদ্যালয় দেখতে পাই। ছাত্রেরা এই বিদ্যালয়গুলিতে লেখাপড়া করে। কিন্তু প্রাচীনকালে বিদ্যালয় ছিল না। মা-বাবা ছেলেদের শিক্ষক বা গুরুর ঘরে পাঠিয়ে দিতেন। ছেলেরা গুরুর সঙ্গে বাস করত, আর গুরুর তাদের খাদ্য ও পোশাক দিতেন, বেদ ও শাস্ত্র শেখাতেন। ছেলেরা দ্বিতীয় জনকরূপে গুরুর সেবা করত।

6. The children must be educated somehow. If they cannot be brought to school, then school must be brought to them. But how ? Canada solves the problem with school by post and school on wheels. Australia provides correspondence courses and a school of the air. A school on wheels provides the best of teaching methods and materials in an unusual classroom a railway coach

যে কোনোভাবেই হোক শিশুদের অবশ্যই  শিক্ষিত করে তুলতে হবে। তারা যদি বিদ্যালয়ে না আসতে পারে, তাহলে বিদ্যালয় অবশ্যই তাদের কাছে যাবে। কিন্তু কীভাবে ? কানাডা ভ্রাম্যমাণ গাড়ি ও ডাকযোগে সমস্যার সমাধান করেছে। অস্ট্রেলিয়া মুক্ত বিদ্যালয় ও পত্রাদির মাধ্যমে শিক্ষার ব্যবস্থাদি করেছে। রেলগাড়ির কামরার অপ্রচলিত শ্রেণীকক্ষে ভ্রাম্যমাণ বিদ্যালয় সর্বোত্তম শিক্ষাপদ্ধতি ও শিক্ষা-উপকরণের জোগান দেয়।

7. As Indian we have to live in India and work for India. But we must not forget that we belong to the larger family of the world and the people living in other countries are after all our cousins. It would be such an excellent thing if all the people in the world are happy and contented. We have therefore, to try to make the world a happier place to live in.

ভারতীয় হিসেবে ভারতে বাস করতে ও ভারতের জন্য কাজ করতে হবে আমাদের। কিন্তু আমরা যে বিশ্বের বৃহত্তম পরিবারের অন্তর্গত এবং অন্য দেশে বসবাসকারী মানুষেরাও যে আমাদের ভ্রাতৃতুল্য---এ কথাটা আমাদের কোনোভাবেই ভোলা উচিত নয়। যদি বিশ্বের সকল মানুষ সুখী ও সন্তুষ্ট হয়, তাহলে তা হবে এরকম চমৎকার জিনিস। কাজই বিশ্বকে বাসের উপযোগী সুখীতর জায়গা হিসাবে গড়ে তোলার চেষ্টা আমাদের করতে হবে।

8. Some people do not know the value of time. They cannot fully realise that time once gone never returns. They think thus : "When the long life lies before us what does it matter, if a little time is wasted ? These duties are not finished today, never mined--we shall do them tomorrow," They should consider that if anything is put off for tomorrow, it is difficult to do it again, for tomorrow will appear with its fresh duties, and after finishing them there may not be time enough to take up the unfinished work of today.

কিছু লোক সময়ের মূল্য জানে না। তারা পুরোপুরি বুঝতে পারে না যে, সময় একবার চলে গেলে আর কখনও ফেরে না। তারা ভাবে এভাবে : 'সামান্য সময় অপচয় হলে আমাদের সামনে পড়ে থাকা বিশাল জীবনে ওটা কোনো ব্যাপারই নয়। যে কাজগুলো আজ শেষ হল না, কোনো ব্যাপার, আগামীকাল সেগুলো করে ফেলব।' তাদের ধারণা করা উচিত আগামীকালের জন্য কোনো কিছু পড়ে থাকলে, তা ফের করা কঠিন হয়। আগামীকাল নতুন কাজ এসে যায়, সেগুলো শেষ করার পর আজকাল অসমাপ্ত কাজ গ্রহণ করার যথেষ্ট সময় থাকে না।

9. When the Government of the English East India Company decided to establish universities in Calcutta, Bombay and Madras, the purpose was not to promote excellence in the pursuit of knowledge. The immediate aim was more limited and practical. The British Indian administration needed educated natives to man the lower rungs of Government. But by the end of the 19th Century, the University of Calcutta had transcended this original aim and had begun to aspire to the content of its own motto. "Advancement of learning."

ইংরেজ ইস্ট ইন্ডিয়া কোম্পানির সরকার যখন কলকাতা, বোম্বাই ও মাদ্রাজ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় স্থাপনের সিদ্ধান্তগ্রহণ করেন, জ্ঞান অনুসন্ধানের উৎকর্ষ বিধানের উদ্দেশ্য তখন ছিল না, তাৎক্ষণিক লক্ষ্য ছিল অধিক বাস্তবসম্মত ও সীমিত। ভারতীয় ব্রিটিশ প্রশাসনের প্রয়োজন ছিল এদেশীয় শিক্ষিত মানুষকে সরকারের নিম্নস্থ পদে কাজে লাগানো। কিন্তু ঊনবিংশ শতাব্দীর শেষে কলকাতা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় এই আদিম লক্ষ্যকে অতিক্রম করেছিল এবং নিজের আদর্শের লক্ষ্য 'শিক্ষার অগ্রগতি'-র বিষয়কে অনুপ্রাণিত করতে শুরু করেছিল।

10. Far away in the north of our country there is a long range of mountains called the Himalayas.The high tops of these mountains are always covered with snow. At the foot of the mountains there are great fast flowing rivers. The trees in the forest are very tall and grow close together. Many wild animals such as tigers, bears etc.are found in the Himalayan forests. There are thousands of monkeys and birds which live in the trees.

আমাদের দেশের সুদূর উত্তরে হিমালয় নামে এক দীর্ঘ পর্বতমালা আছে। এই পর্বতসমূহের উচ্চ শিখর সবসময় তুষারে ঢাকা। পর্বতমালার পাদদেশে আছে অতিশয় বেগবতী নদী। অরণ্যের বৃক্ষরাজি দীর্ঘকায় ও ঘনসন্নিবদ্ধভাবে জন্মায়। হিমালয়ের অরণ্যে অনেক বন্য জীবজন্তু, যেমন বাঘ, ভাল্লুক ইত্যাদি দেখা যায়। গাছে বাস করে হাজার হাজার বানর ও পাখি।

11.One of the greatest problems that our country has been facing since the seventies is the problem of growing indiscipline among the students. These unrest among the students is confined not only to India, but also it has become a global phenomenon.This, if not checked, would eat into the very fabric of our national entity. The prevalence of the mood of despondency and dejection among the students is nothing but a reflection of general dissatisfaction and discontentment prevailing among the masses.

সত্তরের দশক থেকে আমাদের দেশ যে সমস্যাগুলির মুখোমুখি হয়ে আসছে, সেগুলির অন্যতম হল ছাত্রদের মধ্যে সৃষ্ট ক্রমবর্ধমান বিশৃঙ্খলতার সমস্যা। ছাত্রদের মধ্যে উদ্ভুত এই অস্থিরতা শুধু ভারতে সীমাবদ্ধ নয়, তা বিশ্বঘটনাতে পর্যবসিত হয়েছে। একে যদি প্রতিরোধ করা না হয়, তাহলে এটি জাতীয় অস্তিত্বের কাঠামোকেই গ্রাস করবে। ছাত্রদের এই নৈরাশ্য ও বিষাদ ভাবের ব্যাপকতা আসলে জনগনের মধ্যে সঞ্চারিত সাধারণ অতৃপ্তি ও অসন্তোষের প্রতিফলন ছাড়া আর কিছু নয়

12. Man is the maker of his fortunr. We cannot prosper in our life if we are afraid of labour. Some People think that success in life depends in life depends on luck or chance. Nothing can be farther from truth. Scientists have toiled day and night in their laboratories to invent gramophone, radio,television which have added to the joy of our life. Life is not a bed of roses. Industry is the secret of success not only for an individual but also for a nation. 

Translation : মানুষ তার ভাগ্যের স্রষ্টা। শ্রম করতে ভয় পেলে আমরা জীবনে উন্নতি করতে পারব না। কিছু মানুষ ভাবে সুযোগ কিংবা সৌভাগ্যের উপর জীবনের সাফল্য নির্ভর করে। সত্যের অপলাপ ছাড়া এটা আর কিছু নয়। গ্রামোফোন,রেডিয়ো, টেলিভিশন যা আমাদের জীবনের আনন্দবর্ধন করে, সেগুলির আবিষ্কারে বিজ্ঞানীরা দিনরাত্রি কঠোর পরিশ্রম করেন। জীবন গোলাপের শয্যা নয়। শ্রম যে সাফল্যের রহস্য তা শুধু ব্যক্তির ক্ষেত্রে নয়,জাতির ক্ষেত্রেও সমান প্রযোজ্য। 
October 13, 2022

PSC Clerk Previous year English Precis ( 1998-2009)

PSC Clerk Previous year English Precis ( 1998-2009)

1. The light has gone out of our lives and there is darkness everywhere. I do not know what to tell you and how to say it. Our beloved leader Bapu,as we called him, the Father of the Nation is no more. Perhaps I am wrong to say that. Nevertheless,we will not see him again as we have seen him for these many years. We will not run to him for advice or seek solace from him and that is terrible blow not to me only but to millions and millions in the country, and it is a little difficult to soften the blow by any other advice that I or any one else can give you. The light has gone out, I said and yet I was wrong. For the light that shone in this country was no ordinary light. The light that has illuminated this country for these many years will illuminate this country for many more years and a thousand year later that light will be seen in the country and the world will see it and it will give solace to innumerate hearts. For that light represented something more than the immediate present, it presented the living truth.       ( PSC Misc - 2014)

       Title : Gandhi, The Ray of India

Precis : The sudden death of the father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi was an irreparable and immeasurable huge loss of the Country. Although his death left everyone in utter sadness, his message of non-vilolence which he had delivered during his whole life, will be memorized for ever. The path which he created for his nation,will arouse the lives of many ones.

2. It is almost a definition of a gentleman to say he is one who ever inflicts pain. He is mainly occupied in merely removing the obstacles which hinder the free and unembarrassed action of those about him. He benefits may be considered as a parallel to what are called comforts or convenience in arrangements of a personal nature, like an easy chair or a good fire, which do their part in dispelling cold and fatigue. The true gentleman in like manner carefully avoids whatever may cause a jark or a jolt to the mind of those with whom he is cast, all clashing of opinion or collision of feeling, his great concern being to make everyone at his ease and at home. He has his eyes on all his company, he is tender towards the bashful, gentle towards the distant and merciful towards the absurd. He makes light of favours that he does them and seems to be himself by a mere retort, he has no ears for slander or gossip.      ( PSC Clerk - 2007)

          Title : A True Gentleman

Precis : A gentleman can never serve distress. He is always far away from hindrances and unaccountable action. A true gentleman always is aware about his feelings, attitude, conduct and attitude. He is shy, gentle towards the distant and merciful to the absurd. He does not speak or defend without liability. 

3. If there were no ambition to conquer the whole Europe, Nepoleon Bonaparte would not have been the unquestioned dictator of France. But the end of his ambition was in a meagre imprisonment the hot-headed desire to have unlimited empire all around the globe inspired. Alexander, the great to come as far as India for invasion. The laborious journey caused his death. King Midas loved gold so much that he had to lose his beloved daughter in his pursuit of gold. Similarly people heap money, leading a miserable life and ultimately meeting a miserable death. In today's world people feel the mind of their children with undue ambition, set them against one another and deprive them of the natural happiness of childhood. The objective of course what is to see one's old child at the top of all other children. But with what future ? All the children usually turned out to be as ordinary as their parents, to the utter frustration of themselves and their parents. 
             In such cases, the enterprise is directed towards the wrong end causing the destruction pursuer. None of these people could measure healthy and beneficial if the same has an achievable and good end. Otherwise it will lead a person to destruction.

     Title : Lustful Desire is far from Happiness

Precis : Nepolean, Alexander and King Midas met with identical destiny and were unable to achieve their glamorous goal. Now-a-days People are chasing for money and meet ultimately miserable death. Parents instill the venomed germs in the minds of the children to achieve the top of all and kill their childhood happiness. Unsuccessful frustrations of the parents and the children persuade over own ability. The result will be successful if ambition is limited and leads to a happy end.

4. The whole party sat down as soon as they had gained the brow of the hill. The plateau being somewhat tilted towards the west this spot on which we had paused commanded a wide prospect on either hand. Before us, over the tree-tops, we beheld the cape of the woods fringed with surf behind, we not only looked down upon the anchorage and Skeleton Island, but saw clear across the eastern lowlands - a great space of open sea upon the east. Sheer above us rose the Spyglass hill, dotted with single pines, black with precipices. There was no sound but that of the distant breakers, mounting from all around and the chirp of countless insects in the bush. Not a man, not a sail upon the sea, the very largeness of the view increased the sense of solitude.       ( PSC Clerk - 2004)

        Title : Great view of a Landscape

Precis : Having gained the brow of the hill, the white party sat down to witness the beauty of the plateau. They saw the  surf fringed, cape of wood, the anchorage, the skeleton island,pine clad, spyglass hill and vast open sea from all the sides. There was noone. The sound of breakers and chiping of insects increased their sense of solitude.

5. It has been wisely said that adjective is an enemy of noun. If we make a habit of saying "There is a true fact", we shall come under suspicion when we choose to tell merely a 'fact'. If a crisis is always 'acute' and an emergency, always 'grave', what will be left for those words to do by themselves ? if a decision is always qualified by 'definite', a decision by itself becomes a poor thing. If condition are customarily described as 'essential' we shall doubt where a condition without an adjective really a condition at all. If a part is always an 'integral part' there is nothing left for a mere part, except to be a spare part.         ( PSC Clerk - 2003)

     Title : Noun verses Adjectives

Precis : It is said that Nouns are eaten by Adjectives. Now Adjectiives are so widely and usually used before nouns to emphasis the latter that have lost their independent importance. Poor nouns have already nothing left to do by itselves.

6. Words,kinds or unkinds cost nothing. But they are very powerful factors in giving pleasure or causing misery. They can be used both for good and for evil. The influence of words lasts throughout a life time. A home where the people do not use kind words to one another,must be like a desert. There are many who think that it is enough if we help the poor materially, it is not necessary to use kind words along with kind words is much acceptable than a large gift bestowed with indifference.     ( PSC Clerk - 2002)

  Title : True Words

Precis : Words have great power, it can cause either pain or pleasure. Words have good and bad effects both. The poor like more a small gift with polite words than a bigger one given perfunctorily.

7. The dawn was young. The hint of purple haze tinted the horizon. The constellations of the right sky were dimming beyond cognizance. You could see the green darkness of the forested hill, silhouetted against the ever so slowly brightening sky.
        I sat huddled under a mahua tree shivering in the bitting cold. I was heavy with sleep yet heady with anticipations. As I sat a witness to its unfolding saga, another day was on the verge of being born on this planet, in the depth of wilderness called "Palamau". The Palamau jungle venerated by the shikaris and romanticised by authors, so popular today's tourists at large, comprises a large forest tract, draping the northern slopes of Chotanagpur plateau in the newly torn eastern indian state of Jharkhand. Declared a 'Project Tiger' area in 1974, the pristine jungles cover an expanse of 1940 sq. kms of varied and rich flora, intersected with hills, which primarily run from east to west,including a northern path known as the Betla Tourist Zone.
           The attitude of the park varies from 300 mts to 1140 mts. 213 sq. kms of virgin forest lying at the very heart of the project has been defined as the 'core' area. Where tourism is taboo and the denizens of the jungle roam in sublime nonchalance.

       Title : The Palamau Hills and Jungle

Precis : The author saw the beautiful spectacle of the unfolding of a day break in the wooded Palamou hills at wintry dawn. One of the favourite tourist spots, the Palamou forest in Chotanagpur plateau of Jharkhand covers 1940 sq. kms of area. It is filled with flora and fauna, a 'Project Tiger' area , the Betla Tourist Zone,is at very high altitude. Tourists are prohibited in the core area about 213 sq. kms  of virgin forest.

8. It matters very little where you go or when you go, it matters little what you do. The thing itself matters and that thing is holiday, the break from the monotomy of routine and the discipline of earning a living. To get away, to be free for a brief spell, to feel that you have not get up at the appointed hour, to know that you can linger over you breakfast, to realize that the usual business train will depart without you, to look upon new scenes and strange faces, to breathe fresh air, to hear different sounds, to do different things, or better still, to do nothing at all - that is holiday. Fix upon a place, no matter what place anywhere , put a few things into a bag, the fewer the better and go. The change, I repeat is the ghings,scenary or amusements hardly count in this great business for unless a man carry all the beauty of the world in his own mind, and all the joy of life in his own heart, he will not find them elsewhere. Unless we carry the spirit of place within us as part of our personal kit, we shall not find it eksewhere. We are joy and sorrow and the world about us but material for their expression.        ( PSC Clerk - 1999)

             Title : Holiday , A break from Monotomy Routine

Precis : Holiday itself is very important to enjoy. It is apart from boring daily routine, discipline, of earning hours and disputes of Daily life. It is an occasion to hear, to see and enjoy variety of sigths, sounds and many things. One should decide a destination anywhere,take few things as possible and just start the journey. One should enjoy the charmness of the world on one's mental makeup and ofcourse not for any material thing.

Q.9. Research on new forms of flood production has so far pathetically small. The limited progress which has been achieved is due more to the enthusiasm of individuals that to the planning of governments. If the money and manpower developed to space research could be delivered to this type of scientific problem, we might soon find a solution. Most experts would agree that there are still unlimited possibilities for improving techniques and processes and for new scientific discoveries which could change much of the present despair to an atmosphere of hope. But the problems need tackling now, not when the crisis is upon us.            ( PSC Clerk - 1998)

      Title : Scientific Research of Food Production

Precis : The solution of food production requires major application of money and man power to reasearch on new forms of food production, which has been very meagre so far. New scientific research for new improving techniques of production could change much of the present scenario. It could bring hope to millions of life.

October 13, 2022

PSC Clerk English Reporting Previous Year ( 1998-2009)

PSC Clerk English Reporting Previous Year ( 1998-2009)

1. Imagine that you are a newspaper reporter.Write a first hand report on a devastating fire that has broken out in a building housing many offices.
[Points : How and when the fire started - the reaction of the people in the building- the role of the fire brigade - the loss of lives and important documents - the surmised cause of the fire - how such events should be prevented.       (PSC Clerk - 1998)

Fire Breaks Out at Nabanna, Many Govt. Files & Records Gutted
By a Staff Reporter

Howrah, 21st Aug, 2019 : A devastating fire broke out at the Nabanna Administrative Building,Howrah on 20th Aug, 2019. Three persons died and 25 others were injured in a severe fire that swept through a multi-storied building housing offices of the State Government.
           Fire department sources said 60 fire tenders had been rushed to the spot after reports of fire from the fourth floor of the building at 10.30 a.m. "Fire Fighter,armed with masks and oxygen cylinders entered the core area of the fire. One sky ladder was brought to evacuate people" , the officials said.
           The flame which was first spotted by office-employees at 9.30 a.m,was brought under control after six hours of continuous effort. Mr Partha Chatterjer,State education Minister ,who rushed to his office after being informed about the incident,said, "I was told the source of fire in my chamber.I have also heard that the documents sections were burnt completely.
          Apart from Chatteejee,Kolkata Mayor and Kolkata Police Commissioner also visited the spot.Nabanna is the main administrative building of State Govt, so it seems many important documents with many official files are now totally gutted due to the heat of flame.
        Prima facie,the cause seems to be an electrical short circuit.The cause of the fire is yet to be ascertained,though police have ruled out possibility of Sabotage behind the incident.
        "New fire extinguishing system are to be replaced and maintained in easily accessible places of the building and proper Fire alarm must be installed at each of the floor of buildings to prevent such accidents in future", Fire Department officials said.

2. Write a report on a train accident caused by suspected millitants. Write your answer on the points given below :
[Hints : The exact place of the accident - five bogies were derailed - passenger killed - several wounded - normal traffic suspended - measures to be taken to prevent to such accidents.]              (PSC Clerk - 1999)

Delhi - Patna Express Derailed, more than 100 people dead , Several Injured

Staff Reporter, New Delhi, Oct 06, 2019 : More than 100 people were killed while hundreds were seriously wounded after Delhi - Patna Express train's five bogies derailed near the border of Bihar early Sunday morning.
              The accident,one of the country's worst rail disaster in recent years,occurred at around 4 a.m about 100 kms from Patna when the passengers were in sleep.
               " The death toll has crossed 100 now" , said the Additional Police Director General. Shocked passengers recounted being woken by a violent thud and told of their desperate search for loved ones on the train. It is the worst disaster since 2010 when a head on collision happened between a  passenger train and a freight train in the eastern state of West Bengal,taking 150 lives andu jured over 350.
                 Anxious relatives rushed to the station of New Delhi where the train originated,they were worried about their dear ones. Railway officials said normal traffic suspended and special trains had been pressed into service for stranded travellers.
                Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu said in a tweet that Government would investigate the cause of derailment and announced the compensation for the victims.
              A helpline number has been launched by the railway ministry for the kin of those travelling and also announced that the stranded passengers are being evacuated from site to the nearest station adding that the injured passengers are being taken to the Bihar State Hospital. "All hospitals have been asked to be on alert.More than 40 ambulances have been pressed into service", Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar told PTI. Over 200 police officials are carrying out the rescue and relief operations.

3. Imagine yourself a newspaper-reporter. Write an eyewitness-account of a severe cyclone that has lashed the coastal areas washing away hundreds of villages.
[Hints : Place & Time of occurrence ,description of cyclone speed,sound etc.effect on trees,human beings, description of devastation - extent of damage,further cyclone warning ]          (PSC Clerk - 2000)

Super Cyclone Amphan Shattered Bengal into Pieces
By a Staff Reporter

Kolkata, May, 21 :  The recent gravest cyclonic storm “Amphan” extensively battered Kolkata, the capital city of West Bengal. The cyclonic storm having windspeed of 133 kmph caused heavy damage in some districts of West Bengal including Kolkata.
            About 72 people died in this destruction. West Bengal never saw such a Devastating Cyclone in years.This gigantic storm lashed in the coastal area of Digha. It caused huge tidal waves in the sea. It lashed on the land with a speed of 180 kmph.
This extremely severe cyclonic storm caused an immeasurable damage in Sundarban areas. Purba Medinipur, Paschim Medinipur, North 24 Paragana and South 24 Paragana have been greatly affected. Thousands of mud-houses have been destroyed. Even the parked-cars bumped each other due to gigantic power of the cyclone. Electric posts bent down. Water supply , electricity supply, network system, communication system – all have been disrupted.
            In Howrah, about 900 houses collapsed, in  South 24 Paraganas about 5200 houses collapsed. About 41 NDRF (National Disaster Relief Force) were deployed in West Bengal.The Chief Minister of West Bengal, Mamata Banerjee herself kept eye over the situation. Over six lakh people were evacuated to protected shelters. Relief materials were supplied to the victims. Inhabitants of damaged buildings were also taken to safety shelters. The wind was whirling around with a great speed. The doors and windows were banging.
            Honourable Chief Minister already declared an advance assistance of Rs 100 crore for the relief work and besides she  asked help from the Central government.

4. Write a report on report of celebration of Tagore's birthday recently held.
[Hints : Time - Atmosphere - gathering on floor/chair - indoor/outdoor - guests invited - speeches - songs - recitation - instrumental music artists,known and unknowns - enthusiasm - conclusion ]      (PSC Clerk - 2003)

Celebrating of Tagore's 157th Birthday
By a Staff Reporter

Kolkata, May 9, 2018 : "Rabindra Niketon of New Town" celebrated the 157th birth anniversary of One of the greatest poets in the history of literature , Rabindranath Tagore. A variety of Cultural programmes were organised to mark the occasion.
               Rabindra Sangeet was sung by the Unity club and its members, followed by a dance drama based on Tagore's poem Urbashi directed by Anubhav Singh and choreographed by Shyamali Majumder. Another dance drama, Ritu Ranga , depicting the six seasons,were showcased by Sefali Samanta. One of the famous poems of Tagore, "Gandharir Abedon" too was recited on this occasion. Kolkata Mayor Firhad Hakim was honoured as the chief guest.
             Supratik Lahiri, the organiser of the programme and vice president of the club, said this year they got an opportunity to show off Tagore's signature to the public. "There is a book on Tagore which carries his signature, Lahiri said.
              The program started in the morning with the presence of renowned singers, painters and other artists. Sixteen aspiring painters showcased their creativity by depicting nature and scene surrounding Tagore's statue. A portrait art camp  was also organised, about ten painters made portraits of Kaviguru Rabindranath Tagore. These portraits would be later sent to the Shantiniketan.
               In the evening, the society organised a cultural function where the city's renowned singer Raghav regaled the audience. A discussion on Tagore's contribution to the world literature was also held. The Club president Anubhav Singh told that they were planning to establish research-based library and exhibition room only on Rabindranath Tagore. This occasion depicted that after 157 years still Kabiguru is in our heart always and for ever.

5. Draft a report in English from the points given below ( not more than 250 words)
Incident : Robbery
Date : January 13, 2009, 10 A.M.
Place : Business House, Fairlie Place
Miscreants : Three persons
Activity : Entered the office - took 30 lakhs at gunpoint.
Police action : Investigation - none arrested       (PSC Clerk - 2009)

Robbery at Business House, Kolkata
By a Staff Reporter

Kolkata, January 14, 2018 : Armed miscreants robbed the unguarded cash room of a Chemical company's office in the Business House, Fairlie Place at around 10 A.M. on January, 13, 2018.
                Police said three robbers,one of them brandishing a gun and the other two carrying small sacks, entered Godavari Multipurpose Articles Pvt. Ltd. at 4. Fairlie place at around 10 a.m on Saturday when the building was deserted except few people reported in the office.
                 Bikash Naiya,in his sixties,was on the mezzanine floor with peon Shekhar Jha, 21, with a counting machine and wads of currency notes for company. The duo were busy in counting the cash when the robbers came in, disabled the CCTV and took away the entire cash amounting about 40 lakhs at gunpoint.
                They used cotton to gag Bikash and Shekhar and tied their hands. The businessman was also blindfolded.
                "The operation was over in five minutes. Nobody else in the building knew what had happened." The Deputy commissioner of Police told the press. He also said Howrah based Vijay, who joined the company a year ago, was being interrogated but he refused to admit that he was involved in this. Nobody was arrested till late evening and investigation is going on, said the investigating Officer.

6. Draft a report in English from the points given below ( not more than 250 words)
Date & Time : 13th January, 2009, early morning
Place : Amtala, 24 - pgs, south
Cause : Bus with pilgrims from Gangasagar and lorry rammed into each other
Casualty : 18 injured
Measured taken : Injured to Behala Hospital, police action          (PSC Clerk - 2009 )

18 Pilgrims injured as Bus hit Truck
By  a Staff Reporter

Baruipur, January 14, 2018 : Eighteen pilgrims were seriously injured on Saturday the 13th day of January, 2018 and around 25 others escaped with minor injuries when the bus was returning from Gangasagar Mela rammed into a truck near Amtala in the district of South 24 Parganas. All of them were headed for Odisha.
                 Police said the pilgrims had visited the Gangasagar Kapilmuni Temple and were heading back to Odisha when the incident occurred. Eighteen devotees who were injured seriously have been admitted to a hospital in the Behala area of south kolkata. It is possible that the bus driver could not see the truck since it was foggy or he may have dozed off at the wheel after driving throughout the night, said Koushik Halder,Officer in charge , Amtala Police Station.
                  The accident occurred between 6.30 - 7.00 a.m when most of the passengers were asleep. The bus carrying Gangasagar pilgrims turned turtle while trying to overtake a lorry, south 24 parganas district Magistrate Y. Ratnakar told PTI.
                 It's a case of over-speeding and low visibility due to fog in the early hours, the Superintendent of Police, South 24 Parganas said, adding that nobody has been arrested as yet and the police are trying to extract more information in the case from the bus driver. "Nobody has been arrested so far as the matter is still under investigation," he said.

7. Suppose You are a reporter working for a reputed newspaper. Last week you attended a seminar on "The Joy of Eye donation", organised by the Rotary Club of Tala Park. Writea report on this seminar for publication in the newspaper.     ( 200 words)
points : Presence of competent doctors and social workers, the last humanitarian act to brighten up the dark world of the blind, social taboo against donation of organ, reaction of the audience,forms supplied to registee oneself as future donor.     (PSC Clerk - 2007)

Pragati Sangha Club organised Seminar on "The Joy of Eye Donation"
By a Staff Reporter

Kolkata, March 22, 2019 : Pragati Sangha Club, Kolkata had organized an Eye Donation awareness seminar titled "Joy of Eye Donation" on Sunday, 21st march at Talapark, Kolkata. This programme was organized to commemorate 60th Foundation Day of the club under the guidance of Professor Ashim Chakraborti, Director, Regional Institute of Ophthalmology.
                    Eye Donation is an act of donating one's eyes after his/her death. The eye donation of the deceased can be authorized by the next kin even if the deceased did not pledge to donate his/her eyes before death. Age or systemic illness such as diabetes or hypertension,heart disease, kidney disease is not barriers for eye donation. The corneas of a person are unaffected even if they have undergone any eye surgeries in the past.
               Donated eyes can be used to restore vision in people who are suffering from corneal blindness. For each pair of donated eyes,two blind people will get their vision and light in to their life,thus making it a more divine act. This is the only humanitarian act to brighten up the dark world of the blind, Prof. Chakraborty said in his address.
                 The programme got overwhelming response from students,teachers and members of Club and common people of Tala park area. About more than hundred students attended the camp and took pledge to donate their eyes for the benefit of humankind. The student members of Social Responsibility cell had collected about three hundred eye donation pledge cards and distribution among the students,teachers and common people.

8. Write a short report on a seminar you recently attended on the evils of drug - addiction.
[Hints : Drug addiction a great social menace - promising youths worst victims - possible cause, loneliness, unemployment, frustration, evil company - results, anti-social activities like theft of extortion psychological breakdown and total loss of health - families and household in peril - how to check this evil ?       (PSC Clerk - 2002)

Seminar on Drug Abuse and Social Evils Held
By a Staff Reporter

Baruipur, July 27, 2019 : Keeping in view the rise in crimes against women and children day by day, a one-day seminar on 'Drug Abuse and Social Evils' was organized by the Barrackpore Senior Citizens Forum at Barrackpore Surendranath College on International Day against Drug abuse and illicit trafficking, 27 July, 2019.
                      Former Director of School Education and Literacy, Dr. Shankar Kumar Chakraborty who was the chief guest during the inaugural function stressed upon the importance of reaching out to the youth to educate them about the menace of alcohol,drugs and substance abuse.
                       In the technical session, Prof Shiksha Banerjee, Medical Superintendent cum vice-principal, Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata highlighted the various forms of alcohol and drug and their harmful effects. She said that taking medicine without Doctor's prescription is equally harmful to a person's health as drug abuse.
                     The speaker also stated that possible causes of drug addiction,friendly gatherings, communicating with drug users,loneliness and separation from family,family disputes etc. As a result the addicted persons are being involved in social activities like theft of extortion psychological breakdown and total loss of health and finally loss of life.
                         Referring to the case history of drug addict patients,they urged the teachers and parents to pay more attention to children and take proactive steps to prevent students from this grave disaster of Drug addiction.
                       The programme was attended by President of the Society Prof. Binay Manna, vice president Dipti Gayen,local councilor Swapna Mondal,principal of the college Prof. Ranjit Mishra and also other members of the forum,students and local residents.

9. Imagine that You are a newspaper reporter covering a panchayat-area.Write a report on the development activities in that area.
[Points : Number and names of villages,the special problems faced by these villages five years ago, what plans were adopted to solve problems,how much of the work (roads,drainage,drinking water etc) has been done]         (PSC Clerkship - 2004)

Rural Development Schemes : The Success Story from Mathurapur
By a Staff Reporter

Mathurapur, South 24 Parganas, July 21, 2019 : Over one lakh people of 100 villages across Mathurapur block of South 24 parganas district have become epicentres of various development and economic activities during last five years. Main problems faced by the people of the areas before 5 years were poverty and unemployment,poor road connectivity,drainage problem,inadequate drinking water and poor health facility.The panchayati Raj department,which sprang into life when rural polls were held around five years ago,was coming of age with village development plan - detailed development schemes across sectors for areas.
                 Mathurapur block has been doing consistently sterling work in the execution of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme for quite some time as duscovered during interaction with the local people. While 70 percent of the man-days generated belonged to SC/ST people,women's participation at 47 percent was also significant.
                 A sustained and concentrated effort led to the promotion of Job opportunities and creation of permanent assets through carefully-chosen schemes. The convergence schemes under MGNREGA were methodically and purposefully developed for different productive purposes including agriculture,horticulture,sericulture,fisheries,goatery,orchard development,picnic spot,playground,irrigation channel,model village and other development activities.
                    Another positive performance of the block appears to be in the field of sanitation.The reports and records as available, revealed that the block created a total of 34 thousand sanitary toilets under Swach Bharat Abhiyan.
                  The overall outcomes of the various works executed,as mentioned above,are really very encouraging and prove as to how a committed and determined effort can bring about positive changes by way of efficient and effective implementation of a government scheme.